My favorite Happy Healthy Living tips!


1. Drink pure, yummy, purified water. A lot of it. It's life.
2. Eliminate processed foods. Learn to love everything about REAL food. The food that was perfectly designed and created to nourish us - and that we were perfectly designed and created to THRIVE on.
3. Move. Walk, run, bike, jump, skip, climb trees, lift weights. Make time to move.
4. Go OUTside and dial it IN. Soak up nature. Talk to God. Get your bare feet in the grass, sand, or dirt. Step away from electronics and get GROUNDED.

5. Laugh. Laugh as much, and as often as you can. Just LAUGH.

6. Be relational. Pour into the relationships that feed your soul. Lean on people and allow them to lean on you. We were designed for this.
7. Let go of perfection. Give yourself the love and grace you so freely give to others.


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